Winzig Tips And Tricks
Location of Config and Database Files
By default Winzig looks for config and database files
in the directoy 'Data' relative to the current directory.
This can be changed to by setting the environment variable
WINZIG_DATA_PATH', e.g. (for sh shells):
export WINZIG_DATA_PATH=~/MyData/
On the Nokia n800 this path is hardcode to '/home/user/.winzig'.
If you rather keep your data on a removal sd card, just say:
mv /home/user/.winzig /media/mmc1
ln -s /media/mmc1/.winzig /home/user/
Changing Configs
All edits to the configuration should be made
in '' which will overwrite the global
setting in ''
This section primarly describes how to keep serveral
version of Winzig, say the one on your Desktop
and the one on your Nokia n800 synchronized.
Avoiding Syncing using an SD card
This is punting on the sychronization issue by
using a single flash card on both the Desktop and PDA
(see above for how to change the Data PATH on the n800).
Syncing using rsync
Syncing using svn and ssh
This requires that you Data files are under version control, e.g.
svn, possibly on a remote repository. Syncing essentially becomes
a 3 step process:
- svn update
- svn commit
- winzig restart
Winzig's Exec module run these command triggered by a button click.
Exporting vcards to a cellphone via bluetooth
Using the enclosed tool all the contact information can be dumped
into .vcf file using "hcitool scan". Note: no pairing is necessary for this.
./ -f Data/contacts.db -p "./vcard%03d.vcf"
These cards can then be beamed to a bluetooth phone using:
gnome-obex-send -d AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF *.vcf
Where AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF is your phones blue tooth address, which can be determined using
Updating geo coding info of your address book
winzig comes with a simple python application ''
which updates the Geo Home/Office fields based on
the Addr Home/Office fields.
Sample invocation
./ -f contacts.db -k YOUR-KEY -m update_geo
Generating a Maemo mapper poi.db file from your address book
First ensure that you address bock contains geo code (c.f.previous item).
Then run:
./ -f contacts.db -m dump_sql | sqlite3 poi.db
$Id: index.html 418 2007-11-04 16:50:03Z muth $